At Valentine, customer satisfaction is our top priority. If you’re not entirely happy with your purchase, you can request a refund or exchange within 7 days of receiving your order. To be eligible, simply ensure you meet our return policy requirements and initiate a return request via the form below.
To be eligible for a return the candle must be unused and in its original packaging. Shipping fees paid on your original order are non-refundable. If these conditions are met the customer can either receive:
If the full-priced product is returned within 7 days from your receiving order date while meeting the above conditions, you may request a full refund of the product being returned.
If you return an item that qualified for free shipping in your initial order, we will refund your order total minus the cost of shipping for your initial order.
Even when enjoying free shipping, please be aware that a deduction of 15 AED will be applied during the refund process.
The return costs are entirely covered by us.
We offer free returns and are responsible for the return fees.
The candle must be unused and in its original packaging.